Myth vs Fact: Do Supplements Cause Hair to Grow Faster?

Having luscious, vibrant hair is something many folks desire and aspire to have. With numerous products on the market claiming to accelerate hair growth, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. While a healthy diet is crucial for overall hair health, let's take a deeper look into the world of vitamins and dietary supplements to uncover which ones might actually help stimulate hair growth.

  1. Biotin: Biotin, the hair superpower (also known as vitamin B7), is one of the most popular supplements for promoting hair growth. This essential vitamin aids in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which are essential for maintaining healthy hair follicles. While biotin deficiency is rare, supplementation may help improve hair strength and minimize breakage. However, it's important to note that excessive biotin intake doesn't necessarily equate to faster hair growth.

  2. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a vital role in our overall health, and emerging evidence suggests it may influence hair growth. Studies have shown a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and hair loss. Ensuring you have adequate levels of this vitamin may optimize hair follicle function and promote healthy hair growth. While more research is needed to establish a direct link, maintaining optimal vitamin D levels through supplementation or sunlight exposure is a wise choice.

  3. Iron: Iron deficiency, known as anemia, can contribute to hair loss. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to the hair follicles and promoting their growth. If you suspect an iron deficiency, consult a healthcare professional who may recommend iron supplementation or dietary adjustments. However, excessive iron intake can be harmful, so it's crucial to get tested and follow professional advice.

  4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fatty fish and flaxseeds, have numerous health benefits, including promoting hair growth. These essential fats help nourish hair follicles and enhance their overall health. While omega-3 supplementation may support hair growth indirectly, maintaining a balanced diet rich in these healthy fats should be the primary focus.

  5. Collagen: Collagen is a structural protein that provides strength and elasticity to our skin, hair, and nails. Supplementing with collagen peptides may improve hair thickness, texture, and overall health. Collagen supports the production of keratin, the protein that makes up our hair, and aids in hair follicle regeneration. However, the effectiveness of collagen supplementation varies among individuals, and it's essential to choose high-quality products.

So while vitamins and dietary supplements can support overall hair health, there is no magic pill for instant hair growth. Maintaining a well-balanced diet, staying adequately hydrated, managing stress levels, and practicing good hair care habits are equally crucial. Before starting any new supplements, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional to ensure they are suitable for your specific needs. Remember, healthy hair growth is a gradual process that requires patience and a holistic approach.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Feel the Chill: The Health Benefits of Cold Plunging

Are you ready to find out what the hype surrounding the Wim Hof style cold plunging and ice bathing is all about? Are you curious if it really helps in overall well being and health? I was too, so I gave it a whirl. Imagine submerging yourself into a pool of icy water, feeling an instant jolt of coldness coursing through your body. While the thought of ice baths or cold plunges might make you shiver, these chilly immersions offer a host of surprising health benefits. From reducing muscle soreness to boosting mental resilience, the practice of subjecting oneself to extreme cold has gained popularity among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and wellness seekers alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the science behind ice baths and cold plunges, and explore the remarkable advantages they offer for both physical and mental well-being.

  1. Accelerated Recovery: One of the most significant benefits of ice baths and cold plunges lies in their ability to expedite post-exercise recovery. Intense physical activity often leads to micro-tears in muscle fibers, resulting in soreness and inflammation. By immersing the body in cold water, blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow and minimizing the release of inflammatory substances. As a result, ice baths aid in reducing muscle soreness and promoting faster recovery between workouts. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts who regularly incorporate cold water immersion into their routines report improved performance, reduced muscle damage, and decreased recovery time.

  2. Enhanced Circulation and Inflammation Reduction: Cold water immersion stimulates vasoconstriction, causing blood vessels to narrow. This mechanism helps flush out waste products and reduce inflammation in the body. When the body is subjected to cold temperatures, blood flow is redirected from the extremities to vital organs, promoting efficient circulation and enhancing overall cardiovascular health. Cold water immersion has also been shown to reduce edema and swelling, making it an effective therapeutic tool for athletes recovering from injuries.

  3. Boosted Immune Function: Regular exposure to cold water has been linked to improved immune function. Cold exposure triggers an increase in the production of white blood cells, which play a vital role in fighting off infections and diseases. Additionally, the temporary stress imposed by the cold stimulates the release of stress hormones, including norepinephrine, which enhances the immune response. By incorporating ice baths or cold plunges into your wellness routine, you may strengthen your body's defense mechanisms, making it more resilient to pathogens.

  4. Mental Resilience and Well-being: The benefits of cold water immersion extend beyond the physical realm and extend to mental well-being. Cold exposure triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones, creating a sense of euphoria and improved mood. Furthermore, the practice of willingly embracing discomfort and enduring the cold can enhance mental resilience, willpower, and discipline. Cold water immersion is often used as a form of meditation, as the intense sensory experience demands focus and present-moment awareness, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress levels.

I will be honest, sitting for 3 or 4 minutes in a freezing slush of ice water isn't exactly relaxing. You heart rate increases, and you breathing accelerates. But, once you are able to command and control your mind, a quite calm washes over you like a frigid waterfall. Ice baths and cold plunges have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing physical recovery, circulatory health, immune function, and mental well-being. Whether you are an athlete looking to optimize performance, a fitness enthusiast seeking faster recovery, or someone on a quest for overall well-being, the cold can be your ally. However, it's crucial to approach cold water immersion with caution, starting with shorter exposure times and gradually increasing duration. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating this practice into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Embrace the chill, and unlock the myriad of benefits that ice baths and cold plunges have to offer!

The Truth about Man Boobs

Gynecomastia, also known as man boobs, is a condition that affects many men around the world. It is characterized by the enlargement of the breast tissue in men, and can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness for those who suffer from it. There are many myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions surrounding this condition, so it is important to separate fact from fiction in order to better understand what causes man boobs and how they can be treated.

Myth #1: Man boobs are caused by being overweight

While it is true that being overweight can contribute to the development of man boobs, it is not the only factor. In fact, many men who are of a healthy weight can still develop this condition. The reason for this is that man boobs are often caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, specifically estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen is the hormone that is responsible for the development of breast tissue, while testosterone is responsible for the development of muscle mass. When there is too much estrogen in the body, it can lead to the growth of breast tissue in men, even if they are not overweight.

Myth #2: Man boobs are caused by too much soy in the diet

Another common myth about man boobs is that they are caused by consuming too much soy in the diet. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are plant-based compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. However, the amount of phytoestrogens in soy is relatively small, and it is unlikely that consuming soy in moderation will cause man boobs. In fact, some studies have even suggested that consuming soy may have a protective effect against the development of breast cancer.

Myth #3: Man boobs are caused by doing too much chest exercise

While it is true that chest exercises can help to build muscle mass in the chest, they are not the reason some men grow larger breast and develop man boobs. In fact, doing chest exercises can actually help to reduce the appearance of man boobs by building up the chest muscles and reducing the amount of fat in the chest area. However, it is important to note that building muscle in the chest will not necessarily reduce the size of the breast tissue, as this is caused by hormonal imbalances in the body.

Myth #4: Man boobs will go away on their own

While it is true that some cases of man boobs may go away on their own, don't count on it. If man boobs are caused by hormonal imbalances, they are unlikely to go away without treatment. In fact, in some cases, the breast tissue may continue to grow over time, leading to more significant enlargement of the chest area. It is important to seek medical advice if you are concerned about the size or appearance of your chest, as there are a range of treatments available that can help to reduce the size of breast tissue in men.

What causes man boobs?

As mentioned earlier, man boobs are caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body. Specifically, an excess of estrogen in the body can lead to the development of breast tissue in men. This hormonal imbalance can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  1. Obesity: As mentioned earlier, being overweight can contribute to the development of man boobs by increasing the amount of estrogen in the body. Fat cells are known to produce estrogen, so the more fat cells you have, the more estrogen your body will produce.

  2. Medications: Certain medications can cause an increase in estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to the development of man boobs. These include medications for depression, high blood pressure, and prostate cancer.

  3. Hormonal imbalances: Some men may have a natural predisposition to hormonal imbalances, which can cause an excess of estrogen in the body. This can be caused by a range of factors, including genetics and lifestyle.


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Running Shoes 101

It hurts and defies logic, really, to shell out $100 or more for new shoes when your current pair still looks good. You can probably get away with holding onto dress shoes a little longer but clinging to an old pair of athletic shoes too long can cost you plenty.
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine reports that if runners don’t replace their shoes every 350 to 500 miles, they face a potential litany of injuries, including stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and heel spurs. Exactly how long shoes will continue to provide the needed level of protection depends on individual size and weight.

Average runners pound their shoes on the ground around 700 times per mile so it doesn’t require an active imagination to see how shoes lose their shock absorption rather quickly. And once that occurs, it can change your stride and alignment, meaning pain and possible injury are just down the road.

So whether you’re a marathoner or you just like to take a spirited walk or light jog around the neighborhood, here’s what to keep in mind when you shop for new shoes:

Anatomy of a Running Shoe
The heart of running shoes is EVA, a polyurethane material that makes up the midsole, says Daniel Hortoin at Cincinnati’s Bob Ronker’s Running Spot, named the nation’s top specialty running store in 2008 by the Independent Running Retailer Association. The part of the shoe between the hard outer sole and the insole, the midsole delivers the protective spring and cushioning that keeps you running smoothly. It’s also the first part of the shoe to wear out, as its ability to rebound diminishes with miles logged. Hortoin explains that it’s the technical midsole or EVA upgrades to shoes that separate a manufacturer’s introductory model found at many big box chain stores and the higher-end shoes sold by running specialty stores. "Each brand has its specific technology and strategic placement of cushioning (like heel and forefoot gel pads)," says Hortoin, adding that plusher insoles with additional cushioning are a distinguishing characteristic of upper echelon running shoes as well.

Securing the Fit
To find the right shoe for you, Hortoin urges runners to take their old shoes with them to the store. Specialty retailers with knowledgeable sales associates will want to analyze your old shoes for clues to how you run.

"There is an ideal wear pattern we like to see that’s central as possible part in the shoe’s forefront with wear on the outside of the heel which is part of natural outward/inward roll as you run," he says. "If we see certain wear patterns that aren’t ideal, we can suggest a specific type of shoe to help correct it."

One common condition Hortoin and his colleagues at Bob Ronker’s see is excessive rolling or over-pronation, a potentially serious problem that frequently plagues runners (or walkers even) with flat feet. Pronation is the natural inward rolling of the foot as it strikes the ground, but when it’s too pronounced, it can lead to painful plantar fasciitis or long-term joint issues in knees or ankles. "If we see over-pronation patterns, we can suggest a shoe that adds stability and more rigid materials to the medial or inside to help control the motion."

Hortoin adds that when they measure feet for length and width, they look at arches because that can also dictate style and fit. "Some brands and models offer more arch support than others, and we also offer aftermarket inserts that provide additional support," he says of Bob Ronker’s, which has been selling running shoes since 1981.
Once you find a pair you like, the AAPSM suggests spending at least 10 minutes walking about the store in your new shoes and even running a block or two outside -- most good stores don’t mind. And once you make your purchase, resist the temptation to run a marathon in them, to avoid blisters and other race-day disasters. Break them in with a few short runs first to make sure they’re going to work for you.

Thickness of sports socks also can affect fit, so bring the socks you normally run in with you shopping. Synthetic fibers that wick moisture are recommended to avoid blisters.

Price Can Matter
Hortoin says that Bob Ronker’s generally stocks running shoes in the $80 to $150 range, and a pair that will work well for most runners can be found somewhere in the middle. "Price levels generally are a good indicator of quality in running shoes, and most runners should be able to get a good shoe at the $100 level."

Is Your Skin Spot Cancerous? The Skinny on Moles

The importance of wearing sunscreen to prevent skin cancer has been drilled into your head since the day you were born. But you’re way too young to start inspecting yourself for iffy moles, right? Actually, say dermatologists, you’re not. Dr. Jessica Krant, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and founder of Art of Dermatology in New York City, says the time to start is now. “If you get used to how your moles and skin look when nothing is wrong, you’ll be ready to notice changes over time,” she explains, adding that, though rare, “skin cancer does occur in teens and even in children, so there really is no age too young to start knowing your skin.” But how can you “know” your skin? When is a mole just a mole, and when is it a sign of something worse? To answer these questions and more, here are three healthy habits you should be using to keep tabs on your body’s largest organ.

No. 1: Get an annual checkup.
Make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist for a complete head-to-toe skin cancer screening. For most people, this will become an annual event, but depending on your skin type and coloring, sun exposure, and family skin cancer history, you may need to go more often. “Everyone is truly different, so your dermatologist should work with you to figure out the schedule that works best for your situation,” says Krant.

No. 2: Check yourself using the ABCDE’s.
In between dermatological visits, you need to inspect your own skin. In order to get to know what’s normal for you, Krant suggests looking at easy-to-see spots once a month. Less visible areas can be looked at every four to six months. Although cancers are more likely to develop in parts of the body that are more exposed to the sun, they can still form in areas the sun doesn’t see. That means a complete skin exam includes the bottoms of your feet, in between your toes, your scalp and your underwear area. “Use a mirror to look at hard-to-see areas,” says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research for the Department of Dermatology of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. “Ask your wife or girlfriend to check out your back.”

What you’re looking for, says Zeichner, is the ABCDE’s of moles.

A = Asymmetry, when one side of the mole does not look like the other side
B = Border, when the border of the mole is irregular and not round
C = Color, when there are various shades of brown, black, blue, or white in the mole
D = Diameter changing (according to Krant, dermatologists used to warn against moles that are larger than a pencil eraser, but doctors now know that melanomas can be smaller)
E = Evolution, when the mole changes over time

Another general guideline, says Krant, is to search for anything that looks different from when you last saw it or that doesn’t look like most of the other marks on you. “There are three main types of skin cancer,” she explains. “Each is formed when a different skin cell type goes bad.” When a brown mole turns malignant, it forms melanoma, the least common but deadliest skin cancer. But there is also a type of melanoma that has no brown pigment; it can look pink or red and is easily overlooked. “Basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer, can appear as a clear ‘pearly’ bump, a flat white scar-like patch, or a pimple-like sore that may bleed and heal and then bleed again,” says Krant. Squamous cell carcinoma often appears as a flaky, scaly red bump, or a small patch that looks like a rash but won’t heal.

No. 3: When in doubt, call a professional.
With all the different places on your body to check and all the different types of spots to look out for, it can feel overwhelming. Just do the best you can to keep track of your skin, and head to your specialist if you spy something that makes you uneasy. At the very least, he or she will reassure you that it’s benign. And if it isn’t, rest assured you did the right thing: All three types of skin cancers are potentially deadly, but they’re also curable if caught early.