Perfect Summer Dates

When it comes to romance, summer rules differ from those we follow the rest of the year. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts that will turn those lazy summer days into busy summer nights.
... cool off:
It’s not so much that the hot summer days will make her feel more sensual. It’s more about the relief she’ll feel cooling off as the sun dips down. Use this to your advantage by planning evening outdoor dates. (And if your rendezvous does occur after dusk, don’t forget the mosquito repellent.)
... croon at the moon:
Plan big dates around full moons (there’s one up there right now, and it returns August 24). As if that weren’t enough, seal the deal by wowing her with moon trivia: July’s moon is called the Full Buck Moon because it’s when the new antlers of buck deer come out. August’s full moon is the Full Sturgeon Moon, when this large fish of the Great Lakes are most readily caught.
... use caution:
Seeing as how everyone already wears so little clothing during the summer, you might feel like going for broke with your girlfriend and ditching your textiles altogether … then proceeding to the next step (aka “doing what comes naturally”). On the other hand, if you’re not trying to get her pregnant, use protection. Every. Single. Time. Otherwise, come spring, you’ll be changing diapers.
... get wet:
Whether it’s waterslides, sprinklers or the beach, being in the water naturally relaxes everyone. Use this opportunity to tell her how beautiful she looks even without makeup.
... rock out:
Summer concerts are the largest concerts of the year and often encourage blankets, picnics and lounging (unlike indoor concerts). Take advantage of the situation: Don’t forget to pack a blanket, snack, refreshments and those cute little hand wipes, and know that attention to detail in what you bring will be something she’ll make a mental note of.
DON’T ...
... lose track of time:
Keep your eye on the clock since more daylight in the summer will make you underestimate the time and either make her miss her curfew or make you late for work.
... assume it will end:
Your summer fling doesn’t have to conclude in September. By the end of August, you might start thinking of her as someone you want to hang with in the fall ... the winter ... and maybe beyond!
... let her burn:
Use the very real need to protect her from dangerous UV rays as a reason to make sure you apply and reapply sunblock on her. Not only will you get to slather something onto her soft skin, you’ll demonstrate how much you care.
... lose your smarts:
Sure your libido gets a good workout in the summer, but make sure you keep your brain active too. After all, she may like the way you look shirtless, but having a copy of The Brothers Karamazov in your back pocket can also be really sexy to her (and will take the whole summer to read, trust us).